Auto Air Conditioning Compressor

In today's modern world, science has brought luxury and comfort into every aspect of our lives. That is why, on our way to work in the blistering heat of a summers day, we can enjoy the cool, refreshing air provided by the air conditioner of our car. Air conditioners provides the passengers comfort during the uncomfortably hot and humid trips in a largely enclosed automobile and are normally available as a stock options for cars in the hotter regions. Despite the never ending debate about the usage of air conditioning and its adverse effects on the overall fuel combustion – air conditioners are seen in almost every modern car. There are many attributes that needs to be checked before concluding the actual mileage counts and the temperature of the engine itself might affects the performance of the cooling system.

Air condition systems are rendered possible due to an automobile part, namely, the compressor.

Often called the heart of an automobile, this is a belt driven pump responsible for compressing and then transferring the refrigerant gases used in automobiles. The compressor is fastened to the engine. The air conditioner in automobiles is divided into two parts, a discharge (high pressure) and suction (low pressure). The compressor is responsible for the compression and transfer of the refrigerant gases. Now, because the automobile compressor is essentially a pump, it requires an intake and output side.

The intake portion or the suction side works by drawing the refrigerant gas into the pump from the evaporator outlet. This may be accomplished through the accumulator, which functions as an inlet. An accumulator works to keep damaging liquid refrigerants from getting into the compressor.

The outlet part of a compressor or the discharge side receives the compressed refrigerants from the compressor itself and transfers this to the condenser. The condenser cools down the hot and compressed gases introduced into it by the outlet portion of the compressor. It transforms the heat absorbed and finally emits the cooled gas in the form of a high-pressure liquid.

The first manufacturers to actually come up with automobiles with air conditioning were Packard Motor Company. Back in 1939, when the introduction was first made, the air conditioning units were an additive function to the existing cars, where the owners had to pay extra charges for this then-considered lavishness. Due to various technical problems, the feature was eventually dropped – but returned back in 1954 via the Nash Ambassador, the very first American car to come with a fully functional prebuilt air conditioning system. The parent company had prior experiences in creating refrigeration units, which partly helped their cause by enabling them to create an affordable and compact air conditioning system for the model. That was also the first time the air conditioning controls had to be maneuvered via an electric clutching system with supplemental switches available on the dashboard. Most of the modern cars today are however controlled electrically and a great deal has changed since the first introduction decades ago. Attributes like fuel efficiency, load over the electronic systems, warranty of the compressor etc. are important metrics that the manufactures have to constantly keep on check these days in order to secure competitive edges in this glooming economy.

Popular compressor manufacturers include Nihon, Sanden, Behr Bosch, Orion, Nippon Denso, Delco / Harrison, Ford, Calsonic, Diesel Kiki, Hitachi, York, Seiko Seiki, Keihin, Matsushita, Tecumseh, Zexel.

As with all appliances and machineries, proper care and maintenance is essential to keeping the machine properly functioning. While many books and articles can be found in proper maintenance of automobile parts such as a sir conditioning compressor, for those owners who do not have proper knowledge of automobile maintenance, it is optional and often preferable to go to a mechanic for proper inspection and servicing.

There Is 1 Response So Far. »

  1. Furthermore, Similar to the home units, if an automotive air conditioning compressor is operated when outside temperatures are below about 60-dedgrees, ice can build up on the coils, which renders the units ability to cool the inside air ineffective.

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