Battery Jump Starter
When you're out in your car, the last thing that you need to happen is an unwelcome break down. Whether you're in the middle of the city or the side of the freeway, having your car break down and refuse to start is one of the least pleasant experiences that any driver can have. Here are three tips to help you get through the experience as easily as possible, and three more to prevent you from ever having this experience again. If you're sick of vehicle advice that just doesn't help you out, then this guide will come as a welcome surprise. All of these strategies have been thoroughly tested and optimized to make sure you're covering all the essentials.
#1 - Create an 'emergency kit' with everything you need for basic repairs.
This doesn't mean pack up a bunch of fresh water and canned food. If that's the image that pops into your mind, then you're thinking of the wrong type of emergency. Instead, piece together the most important tools for any basic car repair; most notably a battery jump starter.
Why a battery jump starter? When you're dealing with a common break down, there's a heavy chance that your car battery has flattened and lost its drain over the course of the repair. With jump starting a car proving one of the easiest ways to get your battery back up and running, it's an essential component of any car repair kit. With batteries, your options are either a battery jump starter or a full recharge kit, and the jump starter is much more convenient for storage in your car.
Aside from the battery jump starter, your kit should include the basic tools for any car repair.
#2 - Test your battery jump starter and learn how to use it effectively, before you need to use it on the side of the road. There's nothing more embarrassing than having your car break down and having to try and repair it with no experience. Learn the tools and you'll learn the terrain -- mastering your battery jump starter kit will save you massive amounts of time and embarrassment in the event that your car breaks down.
#3 - Always have a back-up plan. There's always a chance that there aren't other cars around, and few people available to help. While a battery jump starter is highly for anyone broken down on the side of a busy road, when you're out in the middle of nowhere it's not much use to you. If you can, sign up for roadside assistance and support through your insurance company, who will be happy to provide you with the assistance that you need. Be sure to keep your battery jump starter in your car all the time, as it might come in useful when the recovery van comes to help you get your car back up and running.
Now, by making the most of these tips, you should have the perfect combination of knowledge and equipment to prevent a minor break down from becoming a major event. With your battery jump starter, you insulate yourself from the risk of having to spend an entire day waiting for help. With just one other car, you can jump yours back into action and spend your time focusing on what's really important.
These next tips should help you prevent your car from ever suffering those minor break downs:
#1 - Keep your car regularly serviced and maintained. This doesn't mean that you need to perform a full engine rebuild every six months, just keep a level of maintenance and condition that stops your car from falling victim to minor problems. This is as easy as monitoring distance between oil changes, keeping track of your battery charge, and checking your car's temperature often.
#2 - Make sure your battery is always adequately charged. This one tip can make it a lot easier to start your car after a minor break down, saving you the need to use your batter jump starter. The easiest way to check your battery level is to run your car in a sheltered spot with the lights set to dip. The best way to monitor the level is at night, as it makes the lights more distinguishable.
To test the charge, just monitor the power of your lights with your car running in neutral and idling. Keep your foot off the accelerator and the revs down load. Then, put your fut down on the accelerator and rev the engine with variable levels of intensity. If the brightness of your lights increases with the revs, your battery is running low on power. This isn't ideal, as it means you'll almost certainly need a battery jump starter with you, should you ever break down.
#3 - Always have help ready, either through tools or company. This is the most fundamentally important tip out there. Regardless of how much care you might take of your car, there's always the chance for something to go wrong. Prepare yourself for that chance, either by investing in a battery jump starter and some other tools, or by registering with a roadside assistance company and keeping their contact details within your car. Both of these at once is ideal, as your battery jump starter could save you in your time of need, regardless of whether you have the assistance team available or not.