Clutch Pedal Pad
Clutches are normally one of the driving elements in a manually driven automobile, which are susceptible to a high amount of stress due to constant engagement. Since it always needs to be referred, every time a gear has to be changed or the ignition of the car being charged - the clutches makes up the list of absolutely essential elements in the car system. Clutch pads are protective covers and are generally made of plastic or rubber, which is being capped over the metal lever of the clutch. They are designed to add a little more comfort to the drivers, and sometimes are used for visual decor. It is no wonder, that the clutch pedal pads are susceptible to wear and tear, and needs to be replaced every once in a while. However, constant ongoing researches are being carried out, with the sole purpose of revolutionizing the concept of clutch pedal pads - aiming to bring unprecedented levels of comfort and convenience to the drivers.
One such attempt was done over something called an integrated plastic clutch pedal pad. This particular patent was filled targeting the plastic clutch pedal for automobiles that had a plastic lever accompanied by the presence of a plastic clutch pedal pad, which needed to be pressed via the feet of the driver in order to engage the pedal itself. The research suggested at the time of filing the patent that automobiles generally used to have simple metal lever or an arm for the clutches, with a shroud of metal pad holder on the end - which the drivers have to press with their feet. However, the lever in the middle pad holder was welded together, with the metal pad then being fitted over the holder. It should be noted that the brake had a system analogous to the one mentioned above as well, and generally clutch pedal pads would perfectly fit over the pad holders.
The research suggested that, the arm or lever and had could be made of plastic. The lever for arm could comprise that of an elongated arm body, with the likes of a pad holder of one of its end. The pad itself could be molded permanently over the pad holder, with the idea of a recess being formed in the holder. The arm or lever of the clutch was suggested to be made with the plastic which is compatible with that of the clutch pedal pad, so as no adhesive would be required and a strong atomic bonding could be achieved. The entire process could make the lever or arm of the clutch being manufactured in a very less expensive manner, and also could radically simplify the entire manufacturing process. The entire unit would also have fewer parts, and thus the wearing and tearing could be theoretically reduced.
The primary objective of such a clutch pedal system was intended so that a more rugged and versatile system could be achieved. Although, metal being more stronger than plastic, the proposed clutch pedal system could be made under cheaper circumstances, and could be locally manufactured and thus, could solve the demand of certain demographic where a bigger manufacturing plant required to produce the metal clutch pedal and clutch pedal pads was not possible.
Clutch pedal pads have since taken a revolutionary turnaround, and nowadays plastic clutch pedal pads can be widely seen. However, although the intended outcome of the research was not 100% successful, since automobiles continued to come up with metal clutch systems, the clutch pedal pads were eventually made of plastic, and was made largely available by third-party vendors. Although susceptible to massive wearing and tearing, the plastic clutch pedal pads are cheaper to manufacture and is generally widespread in the market.