Digital Trunking Scanner

A digital trunking scanner is a piece of electronic equipment that works much like a two-way radio system but allows you to reach a much larger group by using specific frequencies. A digital trunking scanner will search for and use the first frequency that is available and send a code through to identify and use that frequency. They are very similar to the scanners used by firemen, police departments and other emergency departments.

Digital trunking scanners allow you to listen to a variety of things from fire department and police department reports to conversations between area emergency crews including ambulances and nearby airports. You can also listen to local radio services. Digital trunking scanners are also used in a number of ways that are not necessarily considered to be legal. Many users listen to cell phone conversations and other communication types that are designed to be encrypted. Most however, use them legally to listen to local emergency broadcasting communication and local reports.

There are a variety of different digital trunking scanners available from handheld models to those that can be mounted on desktops like base units. Handheld models are easily taken with you when you travel although desk models often produce a higher sound quality and tend not to experience as much static interference as the more portable units. Models currently available include the PRO-106 which offers 39,000 channels and can store up to 1,500 frequencies. This is a very popular handheld model for those who like to catch severe weather reports before they are broadcast on television and traditional radio. The PRO-197 model is also very popular and offers 39,000 channels as well. This model is a desktop unit and works much like the PRO-106. Prices for digital trunking scanners will vary depending on your region, the specific brand that you choose and the specific model as well as any additional features that you may want. Average prices for desktop units typically run around $300 or more.

Digital trunking scanners offer an excellent way for consumers to keep up with things that are going on locally. With trunking scanners, public safety services are permitted much more communication with less use of radio bands. Instead of having multiple frequencies used for certain departments, agencies can share these frequencies and instead use their own groups for communication.

The main difference between a typical or traditional scanner and a digital trunking scanner is in the way that communication is broadcast. Voice data in a traditional scanner system is sent out over specific radio signals which deliver the data in analog form. Digital trunking scanners send voice data as modulated digital data. Delivering in modulated digital data makes the sound quality much better although it does cause an increase of lost signals as well as complete incompatibility with other systems that are analog based.

The specific type of scanner system that is used to broadcast public safety channels is different from region to region. Each jurisdiction may have different views on which scanner system is best. In order to determine whether you need a digital trunking system, you will need to determine which system type is used in your local area. Many areas are however, converting to the digital trunking systems over traditional scanners because of the benefits that these systems offer. Of course, if you want to receive the broadcasts on your scanner system, you will need to have the same type of system that your local jurisdiction uses so determine first what type of system is used in your area before you purchase a digital trunking system. Once you have determined that this is the type of system used in your area, you can begin to listen to the communication in your local area from various emergency departments.

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