Engine Knock Sensor
Most people don't know that they have an engine knock sensor on their vehicle, unless of course they have had issues with engine knocking and then they learn all about what causes engine knock, what is sounds like, and even what their vehicle does when there is engine knock. The purpose of the engine knock sensor is two fold. First and foremost, the purpose of the sensor is to monitor the operations within the engine to ensure that the engine is always operating optimally. In addition to this, the engine knock sensor protects the engine against engine knocking, which can be very destructive over even a short period of time.
The way that the engine knock sensor works is actually very straight forward. The engine knock sensor detects that there is knocking in the engine and sends a voltage signal to the ECM. The ECM then uses the knock sensor signal to control timing. Many people liken the engine knock sensor to a microphone that is mounted within the engine block and reports back what it hears. Depending on what the engine knock sensor hears the engine adjusts the timing and hopefully does away with the knocking. The knock sensor is something that you want to have on your vehicle as it can help to protect your engine from the devastating effects of engine knock left unchecked.
If you have an engine knock sensor and it is not working properly you may want to consider replacing it. In many vehicles if the engine knock sensor is not working properly the service engine soon light will come on, but this is not always the case. If you continue to hear knocking and you don't notice a change in power or anything of the like you may want to have your engine knock sensor tested to make sure that it is working. If you test it and it isn't working, you should replace it.
If you are at all familiar with your vehicle chances are that you can replace the engine knock sensor on your own. It may not be easy to get at, but generally if you remove just a couple things or are willing to get your hands dirty and perhaps a little cut up you can get the job done in as little as 30 minutes to an hour. In some cases you may need to remove the intake manifold, but this will all depend on your vehicle. Most of the time you can remove the actual engine knock sensor by simply removing one bolt, removing the harness, and you're done.
To install a new engine knock sensor you will need to connect it to the knock sensor harness. This is important because if you struggle with getting the bolt back in, at least something will hold it in place for you until you can get to the right position. You should know that the engine knock sensor is very delicate, so you need to be sure that you don't drop it, bang it, or anything of the sort. At this point you just need to tighten the knock sensor with the bolt until it is snug but not too tight, as a knock sensor that is overly tightened will actually be too sensitive.
The engine knock sensor is something that you need in your vehicle to protect your engine from the harmful effects of knocking. If you have a trouble code that indicates the knock sensor is bad, simply replace it. Not only will it protect your engine, it may even improve your performance depending on what has gone bad.
Comment by Robert Davis on 19 June 2009:
No spark, engine turns ok. How to check which engine knock sensor is bad. Chev 1993 s-10 blazer 4.3 cpi