How to Use a Vacuum Brake Bleeder

Do you bleed your own brakes? If you are tired of the mess that is associated with bleeding brakes manually you don't have to put up with it anymore. Instead of continuing to get oil everywhere you can us a vacuum brake bleeder. Many people wonder how much more effective a vacuum brake bleeder is, and if you ask anyone who has switched from bleeding brakes manually to using a vacuum bleeder, they will tell you that there is a 100% improvement in the mess as well as the work involved.

In addition to being a lot less messing and time consuming, when you have a vacuum brake bleeder the process can become a one man job. If you have ever tried to bleed brakes on your own manually you know that it is a huge task, almost impossible if you try do to it without at least some assistance. When you have a vacuum brake bleeder you will be able to bleed the brakes on just about any vehicle on your own, without another set of hands or two.

The most common type of vacuum brake bleeder that you will find is a hand operated pump. This still does not make the job enjoyable, but it will allow you to get the job done. These units work by sucking fluid out through the bleeder, which does away with the need to have someone pumping the peddle. Obviously, this is a lot more efficient, though you may get tired of pumping by hand, but remember that it is an improvement.

The only problem with the vacuum brake bleeder is that when you are pumping you can actually end up pushing air into the bleeder and into the brake lines. To avoid doing this you need to be sure that the threads on the bleeder are sealed tightly. Make sure that you read the directions that come with the bleeder very carefully so you can avoid drawing air in through the bleeder thread.

If you are worried about the bleeders not being sealed well, take them off and clean them out really well. When the threads are clean they are more likely to get a tight seal on them than if they are not clean. Tighten as much as possible and then you shouldn't have an issue with air in the line.

There are many different vacuum brake bleeders for you to choose from when you start shopping around. If you don't plan on doing this often you may find that it is more economical for you to just borrow a brake vacuum bleeder or rent one. Generally a good vacuum brake bleeder will run anywhere from $200 to $400 but these prices will vary from area to area as well as on the actual product that you are buying. There are other products that claim to allow for one person brake bleeding that are not vacuum brake bleeders, so be sure that you are buying the right type of product.

Brake bleeding is one of the least glamorous jobs that you can do when it comes to your vehicle. If you believe that there is an issue in the brake line than you should definitely take on the task. If you are not up to the challenge than you should definitely bring the vehicle into a professional who won't like to do the bleed, but will do it because they are paid to! In many cases the process of bleeding the brakes can save lives, ensuring that the brake system works exactly as it should.

There Are 2 Responses So Far. »

  1. This is interesting. I did not know there there were actual "break bleeder" parts. I have always used a clamp which I have found does the trick as well. Thanks for the tip!

  2. I want to improve my braking system on my 1990 250d Isuzu bakkie. I would like to fit a brake boost from the power steering and change the rear drum to disc brakes. Can you help me with the technical data.

    I have fitted a tag axle to my 1990 Isuzu 250d Isuzu bakkie. The tag axle wheel locks first when i apply my brakes a little hard. How do i equalise my rear wheel brakes.

    Thank You
    Krish Manickum
    Cell: 0844 288 613