Metal Master Brake Pads

Your car’s braking system is very complicated, and involves at least four or five separate systems between you pressing the brake pedal and the brakes being applied. All of those systems, from the brake booster to the master cylinder, are immensely important, and problems with any of them will dramatically affect your car’s performance. But the most basic, and most essential, element of your braking system is the braking pads.

Braking pads are what actually stops your tires. The rest of your braking system is dedicated to putting adequate pressure on the pads so that they’ll actually make them stop, but stopping without the pads is akin to walking without legs – it just isn’t possible. There are other parts of your braking system (such as the brake booster) that you can brake the car without for a short time if they fail you. Not so with the pads. Brake pads work by applying pressure and friction to your actual wheel. When you press on the brake pedal, the pads contract directly onto the brake rotors (part of the wheel’s structure) and the friction created by this process slows and eventually stops the tires from moving.

Brake pads can be made out of several kinds of materials. In bicycles, they might even be made out of rubber or plastic. But because car tires rotate so much faster (and support much more weight), a car’s brake pads must be made of sterner stuff. Some cars’ brake pads can indeed use rubber, but that is always mixed with other compounds, like glass and/or resin. These are commonly called organic brake pads, and are usually less durable overall than other, harder types of brakes.

There are a number of brake types. Organic brake pads, as mentioned earlier, are usually the least durable of these. However, their softness does make them much quieter, so they can be ideal for light street cars. A much higher quality type of brake pad is the ceramic pad, which is light and much more durable than organic pad. However, they can be quite expensive. They’re best for high performance sports cars because of their lightness, but they aren’t worth their price for most other types of cars. The most popular type of brake pad (by far) is the metallic brake pad. These are popular because they offer much the same performance as ceramic brake pads, but at fraction of the price. They are extremely durable and affordable, but they can be a little heavier than ceramic pads, which is why they aren’t chosen as often for high-performance vehicles.

Owners of high-performance vehicles might want to consider Axxis/PBR’s metal master brake pads. As mentioned earlier, ceramic brake pads, while very good, often cost more than they’re worth in terms of performance. For those looking for a more affordable alternative that can still get great results, the metal master brake pads are a good choice. They perform extremely well in terms of heat, speed and overall performance. Though they are technically semi-metallic, they last nearly as long as some fully metallic pads, depending on the type of vehicle.

All in all, metal master brake pads are low cost pads that put in a medium-range performance. For metallic pads, they are very light, but they don’t sacrifice much in the durability or price range for it. You can find metal master brake pads for about $100 for all four wheels, which isn’t more than what stock brake pads cost. For all that, they have excellent consumer reports, and are recommended to everybody who is interested in the price and performance range they provide. They can be a great alternative to the traditional brake pads that don’t cost much more at all.

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