Painless Wiring Harness
Painless Wiring is a company that has been in business for 21 years that has been providing the best wiring harnesses available on the market and are known for their easy installations, one of the reasons the company is named ‘Painless’. Painless has been helping hot rodders, racing teams, and off-road warriors find solutions to their automotive electrical needs. Today the Painless Wiring Company is a multi-faceted company that employs 66 people in a 43,000 ft.² facility. The facility manufactures over 500 products. These products are for cars that range from dragsters to hot rods.
The Start of Painless
The Company was first known as Perfect Performance Products back in 1990. Dennis Oyerholser started selling these wiring harnesses at swap meets in Texas. As the products got around and became popular people were amazed at how easily needs harnesses were installed, in turn created the name Painless Wiring. In the first two years the company grew rapidly and it became clear that there would be a bigger demand for production. A national distribution network was set in place to distribute the Painless Wiring harness is to auto part chains, warehouse distributors, independent retailers, and mail order outlets everywhere. People today benefit from the cost-saving results from less lengthy production runs and the consolidation and distribution resulting in reduced shipping costs.
Painless Awards Won
Painless wiring harnesses have always been recognized in the industry for their innovation and engineering excellence. At the awards banquet sponsored by SEMA in Las Vegas, Nevada is where the company receives the most recognition each year. Most all of their competitors have never been nominated for a single "Best New Product Award." Painless has received a number of awards for many of their products, including the wiring harness.
Excellent Customer Service
Painless wiring company is known also for its customer service. For many years there have been competitors that have come and gone that have tried to keep up with Painless Wiring systems but because of the quality of the engineering, no one has been able to compete. So being known for their wily products and their great customer service, there is no doubt that painless is the best wiring harness on the market.
Installing a Painless Wiring Harness
When installing a Painless Wiring harness, you want to do a quality job. Yes most of the wiring will be covered up by upholstery and panels, but installing the wiring in a uniform way will lessen the chance for problems showing up in the future. If a problem does appear, the chances of finding the solution will be easier because you have installed the wiring in a uniform neat position. Many people struggle with where to start when wiring a car. The best place is under the dashboard or on the firewall, in turn this will make the fuse box easily assessable. The fuse box can be mounted by a Velcro, or even be welded. After the fuse box is mounted, the next step will be to run wires to their respective areas.
The Painless Wiring harness comes with a wire kit that contains pre-bundled wires. Small pieces of back wire anchors can be used to hold wires to vertical surfaces. As the wiring is placed in the car use zip ties every few inches to hold the wires neatly together. Run all of the wiring bundles through the car to their proper location then you can begin with the cutting and crimping. Be sure to have a good crimping tool when putting solderless ends on the wires. For a cleaner look, shrink tubing can be used over the connectors and wire making points and use solderless connectors minus the plastic cover a test light is critical to fine-tune the entire system when you think you have finished.