Scratch Remover

3M Scratch Remover

3M is one of the most reputable manufacturing companies in existence, providing quality products since 1902. The company currently specializes in providing a diverse range of products that include but are not limited to office supplies, tools, telecommunications systems, healthcare products, adhesives, home improvement products, and safety/security equipment. As of the end of 2010 the […]

Deep Scratch Remover

Nearly every vehicle owner at one time or another has noticed scratches from gravel, other vehicles or a handful of different reasons. Your car can receive pings or scratches from being hit by a small rock that is thrown up when a truck drives over it or from someone in a parking lot who inadvertently […]

Paint Scratch Remover

Most cars usually end up getting a few paint scratches here and there. You can repair this unsightly damage to your car's paint job with paint scratch remover. There have been great strides of advancement in paint scratch remover technology in the last few years. Now we have advanced polishes that can remove small scratches […]

Glass Scratch Remover

Glass of all types and sorts can end up scratched. Mirrors, computer monitors, televisions, picture frame glass…any sort of glass at all may develop tiny scratches. In some cases, especially if something is dropped, a large scratch may appear. While tiny scratches can be ignored at times, large scratches may almost make something unusable. However, […]