Starter Solenoid Switch
A common cause of vehicles not starting is a bad starter solenoid. This could all relate to the starter solenoid switches. If you pin-point your problem to the switches then you may need to replace them, or at least test them to further diagnose your problem. Keep in mind that there are actually two different starter solenoid switches – the internal switch and the switch used to operate the solenoid.
Starter Solenoid
To understand the importance of the switches you will first need to know what the starter solenoid is and what it is used for. This is a device, which is sometimes referred to as the starter relay, that is found in most vehicles. It is designed to provide the starter motor with electric current in large amounts. This is an important job as it is responsible for setting up the engine properly. Your vehicle will not be able to start up without a working starter solenoid. Also, various vehicles will also has the starter solenoid designed to activate the starter pinion and ring gear that is found within the engine.
Types of Switches
You should want to understand what types of switches are used with the starter solenoid. This is great for informational purposes and can also come in handy if you ever need to replace any switches or the whole solenoid unit.
Internal Solenoid Switch
This is the switch that is found inside the solenoid unit. This switch is responsible for allowing your vehicle's engine and the starter motor to have contact. This connection is required for the starter motor to turn and without it your vehicle will not start up properly. Also, remember that the starter motor is responsible for turning the engine and it is not the action of turning a key in the ignition that provides the power to do so.
Switch for the Solenoid
By turning the key in the ignition there will be a switch that provides power to the solenoid unit. This is what this switch is responsible for doing. It is sometimes referred to as the starter solenoid switch but in general it is just the switch that is used to operate the solenoid. Both switches are equally as important as neither can do their job appropriately if they are not both in working order.
How the Starter Motor Works
The starter motor is used to turn the engine so your vehicle can start up. These switches play an important role in this process. Within the starter are two different vital components – the DC electric motor and the starter solenoid unit. The starter motor must have a lot of power being supplied for the engine to turn. This is the reason for the starter solenoid being connect (via cables) to your vehicle's battery.
There is an electric switch that will close the circuit once it is in use. This will then allow the starter motor and battery to have an open flow which means that your starter is being provided sufficient power to the turn the engine. During this process, the starter gear will be pushed ahead so it can work with the flywheel within your vehicle's engine. All of this is activated once you turn your car key in the ignition to start your vehicle. Basically, turning the ignition key will activate the solenoid, which in return will provide power to the starter motor and the motor can turn the engine.
The starter solenoid has other contents as well which would be worth mentioning but this article has covered the importance of the switches and the basics of how the starter system works. You may want to read up more on all the components within the starter system so you have a full understanding on how it works and what features are included.